Relaciones Internacionales FCAL - U.N.E.R.
internacionales en fcal.uner.edu.ar
Mie Nov 12 17:07:13 ART 2014
La fundación International Stockmen's Educational Foundation ofrece una
beca para estudiantes cursando regularmente el último año de la carrera
de grado o realizando estudios de posgrado interesados en las industrias
cárnicas para viajar y asistir al congreso internacional de ganadería
“International Livestock Congress USA” a realizarse del 3 al 6 de marzo
de 2015 en Houston, Texas, EEUU. Describen el congreso como un evento
único a nivel global donde líderes de las industrias cárnicas y la
ganadería se reunirán para debatir temas de importancia global que
pueden afectar el futuro de la agricultura animal.
Los estudiantes seleccionados participarán de dicho evento, que incluirá
un taller sobre carreras relacionadas, el congreso, tours y otras
La beca incluye: pasaje aéreo, transporte terrestre, hotel y comidas
Para el otorgamiento de las becas se evaluarán logros académicos,
experiencias de liderazgo y referencias profesionales.
La inscripción debe hacerse por Internet en:
(https://adobeformscentral.com/?f=zoo1CGgct0uQMY1*i15Mmg) hasta el 24 de
noviembre de 2014 inclusive.
Hay una guía explicativa para completar el formulario de inscripción y
más información sobre el congreso en INternet.
A continuación pueden leer el mensaje original y completo en inglés.
Guillermina Chabrillon
International Stockmen's Educational Foundation
Greetings -
We are pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for
the 2015 International Stockmen's Educational Foundation Travel
In an effort to enhance the educational experiences of college students
and strengthen the leaders of tomorrow's livestock and meat industries,
the International Stockmen's Educational Foundation (ISEF) awards
International Livestock Congress travel fellowships each year to
senior-level undergraduates and graduate students currently enrolled in
accredited colleges or universities.
The International Livestock Congress USA, managed through a partnership
of the ISEF and the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo™, is a unique
global event that brings leaders from the livestock and meat industries
together to discuss issues of international importance that affect the
future of animal agriculture. Students will participate in the event
March 3 - 6, 2015 in Houston, Texas that will include a student career
workshop, the International Livestock Congress USA, and associated tours
and activities.
Fellowships include airfare, ground transportation, hotel and scheduled
meals. Scholastic achievement, leadership experiences and professional
references are all part of the stringent qualifying requirements for
this fellowship.
Applications must be submitted online
(https://adobeformscentral.com/?f=zoo1CGgct0uQMY1*i15Mmg [1]) and
received by November 24, 2014. Guidelines for submitting applications
may be found here: 2015 Application Guidelines [2].
Information regarding the 2015 International Livestock Congress may be
found at http://www.theisef.com/ [3].
Please share this information with undergraduate and graduate students
who have interest in attending the 2015 International Livestock
Best Regards,
The International Stockmen's Educational Foundation
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The International Stockmen's Educational Foundation | 8334 Fannin St. |
Houston | TX | 77054
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Guillermina Chabrillon
Coordinación de Relaciones Internacionales/ Movilidad Estudiantil y
Facultad de Ciencias de la Alimentación
Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos
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Facultad de Ciencias de la Alimentación
Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos
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